Bookmate and Top Reads
As much as I try to stay in the loop with social media sometimes life gets in the way and I need to pull back. This past spring was super...
Reading and Being Happy
Have you ever found yourself snuggled in bed at 10pm saying “Just one more chapter” to then find yourself finishing said book at 2am?...

Hush is LIVE!
I'm so happy to announce that Hush: A Forbidden Romance is now live!! I signed on with a publisher for a new platform they're launching...
Newsletter Giveaway Winners!
Thank you to all those who took the time to enter the first giveaway of the year. It was a huge success and something I'll continue to do...

New Year, New Site, New Releases!
With 2017 comes a new website!! I'm so happy to introduce my new site with all of you. It's still a work in progress, but it comes with a...
Forbidden Love
#ebooks #reading #romance #forbidden #amazon #ForbiddenLove